Waterline Renewal Technologies

The City of Eagan Lakes and Watershed Preservation


The city of Eagan is working as a community to ensure the quality of the city’s surface watershed resources. A continued concern of homeowners, collectively, is the rain and snowmelt draining from lawns and driveways into storm sewers connected to storm ponds and lakes. Watershed come in many varieties so it’s important to be mindful of contaminants that may play a role in water health.

Your driveway is in a watershed. Car wash soap and oily grit from driveways and street curbs are pollution that is unhealthy for fish and other aquatic animals in lakes and wetlands.  For best practices, you may wash your car on grass or gravel that drains away from the street. Or, go to a car wash where the water is recycled and drains to the sanitary sewer for treatment. Your lawn is in a watershed. You fertilize, mow, and rake leaves to the driveway or street. Then it rains, washing fertilizer, grass clippings, and leaves to the storm water drainage system. Runoff containing phosphorus from fertilizer, grass, and leaves stimulates excess algae.

Interesting tip: when purchasing fertilizer, look for the middle number. A string of three numbers on a fertilizer bag shows its analysis – the middle number being phosphate (phosphorus) content. A “zero in the middle” means phosphorus- free fertilizer.

Minneapolis and St. Paul!! Did you make your plans yet to attend the world famous trade show- WWETT? Perma-liner Industries wants to see you there! Here is our schedule of events:

Convention Center
100 South Capitol Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46225 U.S.A

Thursday, February 18th

10:00 am: Reinstatement Cutters

10:30 am: Perma-Lateral™ Lining

11:00 am: InnerSeal™ Connection Seal

1:00 pm:   Sectional Point Repair

1:30 pm:   Perma-Main™ Top Gun

2:00 pm:   Perma-Lateral™ Lining

2:30 pm:   Pull-In-Place


10:00 am:  Reinstatement Cutters

10:30 am:   Perma-Lateral™ Lining

11:00 am:   InnerSeal™ Connection Seal

1:00 pm:     Sectional Point Repair

1:30 pm:     Perma-Main™ Top Gun

2:00 pm:     Perma-Lateral™ Lining

2:30 pm:     Pull-In-Place

Waterline Renewal Technologies
Waterline Renewal Technologies