The Ten Year Cycle Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Televising Program is well underway in St. Paul. The goal is to clean and inspect the average of 80 miles of sanitary sewers including all the associated manholes every year. In this first cycle of Sewer Cleaning and TV Inspection Program (SCTVIP) only sanitary sewers and all the associated sanitary manholes are scheduled for cleaning and TV inspection. During the 1980’s sewer separation program, most of the original sewers were left to function as sanitary sewers and the majority of storm sewers were built new. Therefore, the records indicate that the storm sewers and manholes are in a better condition than the sanitary sewers and accordingly they were omitted from the first cycle of this Program (SCTVIP).
The plan is to include them in the second cycle of this program. A supporting objective of this goal is to improve the Drainage System of the City’s sewer systems as to minimize the damage that occurs from backups due to roots or debris accumulated in the pipes or due to collapsed pipes. Further, this program helps to evaluate pipes and their structural conditions so that any necessary maintenance, repair or replacement can be scheduled to minimize unexpected problems and emergency repairs which are inefficient and very expensive.

St. Paul, mark your calendars because you won’t want to miss this! November 10th-12th, Perma-Liner Industries is hosting a very special event and we’d love to see you!! We’re having our Open House at our facility in Clearwater, Florida and it’s sure to be a great time. We’ll have our excellent staff here to answer all of your questions about Cured-in-Place Pipeline products and our state of the art trenchless technology. Come out and see live demonstrations, share friendly conversations and gain information. Meals will be provided. Please register at no cost: or 1-866-336-2568.